Conversation with Visionary: Glenn Ford - Business Ownership
CourseConversations with Visionaries Webinar - Glenn Ford. Glenn has founded and organized Praxis Holdco and InCity Farms. Glenn has served on the boards of 30 small companies and is currently mentoring companies in Minneapolis/Saint Paul.
Conversations with Visionaries: DaJuan Savage - Real Estate Development
CourseConversations with Visionaries Webinar - DaJuan Savage. Living his dream as he builds his own construction company and real estate development company.
Conversations with Visionaries: Dr. Loyace Foreman, Jr. - Community Real Estate Development
CourseConversations with Visionaries Webinar - Dr. Loyace Foreman, Jr. shares his journey from having a job to business ownership as a real estate developer.
Conversations with Visionaries: Attorney Jules Porter, Business Ownership
CourseConversations with Visionaries Webinar - Attorney Jules Porter shares her continuing journey to start and build her video gaming company!
Conversations with Visionaries: Dr. DL Wallace - Soft Skills Keys To Wealth
CourseConversations with Visionaries Webinar - Dr. DL Wallace will share how "Soft Skills " and "Emotional Intelligence" are major keys to succeed professionally and personally (family).
Conversations with Visionaries: Coach Ben Carter - Health is the Best Wealth
CourseConversations with Visionaries Webinar - Coach Ben Carter shares the importance of good health is on the quality of your life, career, and building family wealth.