Sherron Davis, Author

Life.. How to Run It Like a Business: NO FEAR

Life ~ How To Run It Like A Business is a quick and easy read on how to manage financial decisions in your everyday life just as you would if you were running a business. It provides a roadmap to financial independence complete with Life Hacks to keep you moving in the right direction.

Dr. Loyace Foreman, Jr., Author

Breaking Out of Debt

In this book you will 1) discover the truth about debt; 2) understand how you got into debt; 3) discover the unseen hands of debt, and 4) learn debt elimination strategies. TO ORDER: [email protected]

Phillip S. Porter, M.B.A., C.W.E., C.S.S.T., Janice M. Porter, EdD, C.W.E., C.S.S.T.,Vanessa N. Patterson, B.A., C.W.E., Vonzella L. Watson, M.S., L.M.F.T., C.W.E., Co-Authors

Phillip S. Porter, M.B.A., C.W.E., C.S.S.T., Janice M. Porter, EdD, C.W.E., C.S.S.T.,, Ethel L. Norwood, B.A., Co-Authors

Spiritual Gifts Curriculum available of Amazon & Kindle

Note: To purchase the Spiritual Gifts Curriculum Teacher's Guide, email us at [email protected]

Vanessa Norwood Patterson, Author

The Butterfly's Journey: From the Valley to the Mountain Top

This book is expressed in inspired writings of poems, prayers, daily devotionals, and the use of the word of God to inspire and encourage the reader to reflect on his/her own life’s journey in the midst of growing and maturing to live the best life. Every page ignites a desire to live a better and holy life filled with passion and purpose. Each chapter reveals a light touch just like the butterfly the power of the word, prayer, love, maturing, inspiration, purpose and the promises of a life tempered, seasoned and growing in Jesus Christ.